Day four: moving on day: spoiled to real camping

Today got up early before 6 as usual to get breakfast at 6.
Its a line going thorugh for breakfast. I have gotten up early enohg to enjoy some coffe, cream, and the quiet before the mess hall gets filled up. Its been nice mornings because i havent had to make my own coffee yet. I brought my coffee and a reusable  pod filter to use. I wish id brought something else better, but its what ive got. I meant to do my own filter,tea bag style, but couldnt find my stapler, since its literally the same thing. but didnt do that. But i did bring my own cream,sugar, and coffee. I was prepared! 
It was pack up and move day. The blow up bed roll is highly irritating. Im having trouble putting it away. My tent wasnt no trouble though, not too bad. I found the top of my tent Underneath, so i had it the whole time, it was chilling for three days. haha. I also brought the covers for my 10X10, including the top, just not the frame. So i thought i lost the top of my tent at home, but it was UNDER my tent. haha. Good thing i brought the back up, only just in case of extra rain coverage, or, needing shade. I hope it comes in handy.
The Oregon state group left and said goodby this morning, we will probably be gone by the time they are back. 
While waiting for the R.V. to fill the fresh water tank for our full off grid camping in Dechutes, we processed a water sample taken from Strawberry lake and took a new sample from here.  Ive never taken any labs or did any thing realted to any type of lanbs yet so this was my first expereince.
We took samples of the water, apparently, the water flow is down from a pig farm, so we expect the water to be disgusting, and it was. Also tried out the canopy cover measurement, and the tube water clear check thing, (Secci disk check)I have my own way of describing it so I remember. After that, we all packed up and onto off grid camping. Im going to miss wifi, already prepped everything, including daily showers. It was necessary with all of our daily excursions and hiking. Hence, the wipes on the checklist. I filled water bottles in case,until then, its typing for the blog. 


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